
Title grml-live: running deborphan in loops on multiarch
Priority bug Status dead
Superseder grml-live: running deborphan in loops on multiarch
View: 1178
Nosy List mika
Assigned To mika Topics

Created on 2012-06-09.12:44:15 by carsten, last changed 2013-09-25.11:06:13 by mika.

msg4630 (view) Author: mika Date: 2013-09-25.11:06:13
c/p from issue1178:

Closing this bugreport. We never had any real issues with deborphan in grml-live 
(meaning: works as intended for us :)) and since even the deborphan version from 
current sid (v1.7.28.8) doesn't provide the --recursive option yet I don't think 
it's worth keeping this bug report in our BTS any longer.

Thanks && regards,
msg4380 (view) Author: mika Date: 2012-06-09.12:50:33
This is same issue as issue1178, it's a duplicate.
msg4379 (view) Author: carsten Date: 2012-06-09.12:44:15
* Martin-Éric Racine [2012-06-09 15:16 +0300]:
> 2012/6/9 Carsten Hey <>:
> > You have problems with endless loops because you do not check for
> > already seen packages and deborphan fixes this for you in a proper way
> > so that there is no need to run deborphan in a loop.
> No. The loop used to break on multiarch systems because deborphan did
> not produce multiarch-aware content until recently. Even then, this
> only affects Ubuntu's Precise release. No other Debian or Ubuntu
> release is affected.

This multiarch related issue was a symptom of the general problem that
this using this option fixes.

> > You could replace the whole loop with "apt-get remove `deborphan
> > --recursive`".
> This is a nice new feature, but it's not backportable, hence why I'll
> stick with my own loops for now.

Actually it is backportable, or rather, it can be written in a way that
works since Ubuntu Natty and Debian Squeeze.

You could check if the option --recursive is present in the system's
deborphan and use this in an if condition.  Anyway, since there is
currently no known problematic package and the multiarch issue is
solved, waiting for post-Wheezy to use a proper deborphan invocation is
fine, but it should in my opinion be done for Wheezy+1.

Checking for an option can be done with the option --check-options:

$ deborphan --check-options --recursive    >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo option is implemented
$ deborphan --check-options --show-section >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo option is implemented
option is implemented

--check-options is only able to check one option reliably, needs to be
the first option itself and output on stdout or stderr might happen.
This restrictions might be removed in future.

Date User Action Args
2013-09-25 11:06:13mikasetstatus: in-progress -> dead
messages: + msg4630
2012-06-09 12:50:33mikasetmessages: + msg4380
2012-06-09 12:49:50mikasettitle: Bug#672829: upgrade-system|grml-live: running deborphan in loops (was: Bug#672829: upgrade-system: please bump dependency on deborphan to after it has reached unstable -> grml-live: running deborphan in loops on multiarch
2012-06-09 12:47:42mikasetstatus: unread -> in-progress
assignedto: mika
nosy: + mika
2012-06-09 12:47:03mikasetpriority: bug
nosy: - carsten, 672829, taffit, martin-eric.racine
superseder: + grml-live: running deborphan in loops on multiarch
2012-06-09 12:44:15carstencreate