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Created on 2015-08-07.19:41:53 by RestoreHairLoss, last changed 2015-08-10.09:30:11 by admin.

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unnamed RestoreHairLoss, 2015-08-07.19:41:53 text/html
msg5213 (view) Author: RestoreHairLoss Date: 2015-08-07.19:41:53
Research: The Secret To Why The Chinese Don't Suffer From Hair Loss

A weird doctor in New Jersey is forced out of his practice after he discovered a billion-dollar secret he wasn't supposed to know.

He accidentally discovered the natural ingredient that can reverse hair loss and restore a full head of hair in just 90 days.

But his joy didn't last very long, because two days later... THIS happened:

Watch what happened here

Prepare for a real shocker!
Date User Action Args
2015-08-10 09:30:11adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - RestoreHairLoss
title: Hair Restoration Doc Lets The Cat Out Of The Bag! -> spam
2015-08-07 19:41:53RestoreHairLosscreate