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Created on 2015-08-14.23:38:23 by DefeatingDiabetes1, last changed 2015-08-15.01:41:57 by admin.

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unnamed DefeatingDiabetes1, 2015-08-14.23:38:23 text/html
msg5283 (view) Author: DefeatingDiabetes1 Date: 2015-08-14.23:38:23
Eating white potatoes and bananas can reverse diabetes?

If that sounds like a joke, then you should watch this new video now.

In it, you'll uncover an astonishing diabetes discovery by a renowned health expert and New York Times bestselling author that you'll never hear from your doctor...

...that explains why the right kind of potatoes and bananas may just be the NEW -superfoods" that can help reverse Type 2 Diabetes in a matter of days or few short weeks.

Think its B.S.?

I dare you to watch the video now. You'll be shellshocked by what these new scientific studies have uncovered.

=> Eat Potatoes and Bananas to Reverse Diabetes (new discovery)
Date User Action Args
2015-08-15 01:41:57adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - DefeatingDiabetes1
title: Eat Potatoes and Bananas, Reverse Diabetes -> spam
2015-08-14 23:38:23DefeatingDiabetes1create