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Created on 2015-08-30.06:07:57 by BeverlyHillsMD1, last changed 2015-08-31.12:53:14 by admin.

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unnamed BeverlyHillsMD1, 2015-08-30.06:07:57 text/html
msg5342 (view) Author: BeverlyHillsMD1 Date: 2015-08-30.06:07:57
Beverly Hills MD

What if I told you there's a way to look 10,15 - even 20 years younger... without leaving the house? You probably wouldn't believe me, right?
Don't worry, it's okay to be skeptical. Like most people, you've probably been led to believe that such a drastic improvement is only possible with expensive (and often risky) plastic surgery.
It's not that you've been lied to...until very recently, surgery was in fact the only proven way to take decades off your appearance.
I know because I'm a cosmetic surgeon myself...

My name is Dr. John Layke and I'm a board certified plastic surgeon, with my own practice in Beverly Hills, CA. You may have even seen me talk about anti-aging skincare on programs like Entertainment Tonight.

Yes, pricey cosmetic procedures are how plastic surgeons (myself included) make money.
But it simply wouldn't be ethical for me to not reveal the groundbreaking anti-aging discovery I recently made...

Yours Truly,
Dr. John Layke
Beverly Hills MD

P.S. PLEASE write in and tell me if this video was as amazing to YOU as it was to me!
Date User Action Args
2015-08-31 12:53:14adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - BeverlyHillsMD1
title: Here's How to lift saggy skin, without surgery (Video) -> spam
2015-08-30 06:07:57BeverlyHillsMD1create