
Title spam
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Created on 2015-09-03.17:31:34 by MrRobinson, last changed 2015-09-03.22:48:23 by admin.

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unnamed MrRobinson, 2015-09-03.17:31:34 text/html
msg5362 (view) Author: MrRobinson Date: 2015-09-03.17:31:34
We need to talk about your student-loan balances.

We have reviewed your student loan repayment plan and need to discuss your enrollment in the new Federal-Forgiveness Program

Over 8 million students have received benefits from the new Federal program and we need to discuss your situation today.

President Obama's New Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program Can Reduce Your Current Monthly Payments and May Forgive Balances.

Restructure your current payments and Eliminate remaining balances (with no effect on credit).

Since your current payments exceed the $50 threshold, we need to speak with you now.

Call 888-632-9195for detailed information about your account.

This call is important...:



Records Department
Date User Action Args
2015-09-03 22:48:23adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - MrRobinson
title: We need to speak about your student-loans -> spam
2015-09-03 17:31:34MrRobinsoncreate