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Created on 2015-09-03.18:16:57 by FlexSeal2, last changed 2015-09-03.22:48:24 by admin.

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unnamed FlexSeal2, 2015-09-03.18:16:57 text/html
msg5363 (view) Author: FlexSeal2 Date: 2015-09-03.18:16:57
Flex Seal 	
The Easy Way to Coat & Seal
 Stops Leaks Fast and Lasts For Years!

The amazing Flex Seal is the easy way to Coat, Seal, and Stop Leaks Fast! Flex Seal seeps into cracks and holes then dries into flexible, rubberized coating that seals out water, lasting for years.

The simple way to stop any leak...
Special BOGO Offer!

Flex Seal Stops Leaks Fast.

Flex Seal can stand through all types of weather, extreme heat and freezing cold, making it a durable solution. Flex Seal also protects any surface from corrosion and once it is dry, can be painted any color.
Date User Action Args
2015-09-03 22:48:24adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - FlexSeal2
title: Easily Stop the Leaks! -> spam
2015-09-03 18:16:57FlexSeal2create