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Created on 2015-09-06.17:03:40 by KeyBiotics1, last changed 2015-09-07.07:29:41 by admin.

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unnamed KeyBiotics1, 2015-09-06.17:03:40 text/html
msg5406 (view) Author: KeyBiotics1 Date: 2015-09-06.17:03:40
How Has The "American Parasite" Effected Your Health?

How have you been feeling lately?

So, I wonder what the U.S. Government has to say about THIS?

This a video about the massive conspiracy, between our government and Big Business, which resulted in a major health crisis...

There are 250 million Americans infected with a dangerous parasite.

It explains how this parasite is responsible for many of your common & persistent health problems: fatigue, weight gain, stress, digestive trouble, and many more.

Click here to watch the video... it's the story THEY don't want you to know.
Stay Healthy,

Craig Cappetta
Director of Nutrition & Science

P.S. This is something every single American needs to hear about... your health and the health of your family hangs in the balance.



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Date User Action Args
2015-09-07 07:29:41adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - KeyBiotics1
title: Disease and health problems from 'The American Parasite' -> spam
2015-09-06 17:03:40KeyBiotics1create