
Title spam
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Created on 2015-09-20.11:58:29 by Daily-FantasyOffers, last changed 2015-09-20.12:52:23 by admin.

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unnamed Daily-FantasyOffers, 2015-09-20.11:58:29 text/html
msg5472 (view) Author: Daily-FantasyOffers Date: 2015-09-20.11:58:29
DraftKings Week 2 Contest is OPEN!

First place wins $2 Million, 2nd place will win $1 Million, and $10 Million in total prizes will be awarded on Monday night, September 21st. YOU could be their next Fantasy Football Millionaire! Just follow these 3 easy steps to win:
How To Win
1. 	Draft a team of 9 NFL Players
2. 	Follow your team as you move up the leaderboard live!
3. 	First place wins $2,000,000 and the top 125,700 win a share of the $10,000,000 prize pool!
Date User Action Args
2015-09-20 12:52:23adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - Daily-FantasyOffers
title: This week's Invitation -> spam
2015-09-20 11:58:29Daily-FantasyOfferscreate