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Created on 2015-09-27.16:16:17 by TheSystem, last changed 2015-09-30.22:09:11 by admin.

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unnamed TheSystem, 2015-09-27.16:16:17 text/html
msg5537 (view) Author: TheSystem Date: 2015-09-27.16:16:17
THIS Toxic Parasite Makes You Fat And Sick...THIS Toxic Parasite Makes You Fat And Sick...

Scientists discovered overweight people have a very dangerous type of toxic parasites inside their intestines.

Studies show that once you eliminate these parasites from your body, you will instantly melt off as much as 18 pounds a month!

These parasites screw up your metabolism so badly, that you can't lose weight not even if you try the world's best diet.

Watch Shocking Presentation Now

This is spreading like wild fire all over the internet. Make sure you watch the presentation until it's over, because the end will blow your mind!
Date User Action Args
2015-09-30 22:09:11adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - TheSystem
title: Story: This Silent Parasite That Makes You Too Heavy -> spam
2015-09-27 16:16:17TheSystemcreate