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Created on 2016-03-26.17:45:49 by WeightGainSymptom, last changed 2016-03-29.07:32:50 by admin.

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unnamed WeightGainSymptom, 2016-03-26.17:45:48 text/html
msg5837 (view) Author: WeightGainSymptom Date: 2016-03-26.17:45:48
Even scientists were alarmed when they
saw this...

They couldn't believe people with weight
issues all have this one thing in common.

The color of their urine.

And somehow, your pee's color determines
how easily you gain weight.


It all has to do with the amount of water
you drink...

And why if you exceed this
amount of water intake a day, you could
have a wrecked metabolism.

Find out more here:

Urine Color Linked To Weight Gain?


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Date User Action Args
2016-03-29 07:32:50adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - WeightGainSymptom
title: Your Urine Color Linked To Weight Gain -> spam
2016-03-26 17:45:49WeightGainSymptomcreate