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Created on 2016-08-05.08:45:11 by USA-Today, last changed 2016-08-05.08:54:35 by admin.

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msg5882 (view) Author: USA-Today Date: 2016-08-05.08:45:10
Home / Reviews / Software / Utilities / System & Performance / 
The Best Tune-Up Utilities for 2016

Apple's OPAS ONE Announced
This will prevent your electric bill from doubling next month

See it now

This will revolutionize the power industry - The OPUS slides will 
completely supply your home with electricity allowing you to 
completely break away from your power company.

Watch it work its magic


This new product lives up to the hype. Its the most amazing product 
we have ever seen and it will completely transform American culture.

Now available online

To Unsu_bscribe!!

It is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[6] In general, fluoroquinolones are well tolerated, with most side-effects being mild to moderate.[12] On occasion, serious adverse effects occur.[13] Common side-effects include gastrointestinal effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as headache and insomnia. The overall rate of adverse events in patients treated with fluoroquinolones is roughly similar to that seen in patients treated with other antibiotic classes.[14][15][16][17] A U.S. Centers for Disease Control study found patients treated with fluoroquinolones experienced adverse events severe enough to lead to an emergency department visit more frequently than those treated with cephalosporins or macrolides, but less frequently than those treated with penicillins, clindamycin, sulfonamides, or vancomycin.[18] Post-marketing surveillance has revealed a variety of relatively rare but serious adver
 se effects that are associated with all members of the fluoroquinolone antibacterial class. Among these, tendon problems and exacerbation of the symptoms of the neurological disorder myasthenia gravis are the subject of "black box" warnings in the United States. The most severe form of tendonopathy associated with fluoroquinolone administration is tendon rupture, which in the great majority of cases involves the Achilles tendon. Younger people typically experience good recovery, but permanent disability is possible, and is more likely in older patients.[19] The overall frequency of fluoroquinolone-associated Achilles tendon rupture in patients treated with ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin is has been estimated at 17 per 100,000 treatments.[20][21] Risk is substantially elevated in the elderly and in those with recent exposure to topical or systemic corticosteroid therapy. Simultaneous use of corticosteroids is present in almost one-third of quinolone-associated tendon rupture.[22] Tend
 on damage may manifest during, as well as up to a year after fluoroquinolone therapy has been completed.[23]
Ofloxacin is a synthetic antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone drug class considered to be a second-generation fluoroquinolone.[1][2] Ofloxacin was first patented in 1982 (European Patent Daiichi) and received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 28, 1990. Ofloxacin is sold under a wide variety of brand names as well as generic drug equivalents, for oral and intravenous administration. Ofloxacin is also available for topical use, as eye drops and ear drops (marketed as Ocuflox and Floxin Otic respectively in the United States and marketed as Optiflox, eylox respectively in Jordan and Saudi Arabia[3]). Ofloxacin is a racemic mixture, which consists of 50% levofloxacin (the biologically active component) and 50% of its “mirror image” or enantiomer dextrofloxacin.[4] Ofloxacin has been associated with adverse drug reactions, such as tendon damage (including spontaneous tendon ruptures) and peripheral neuropathy (which may be irreversible); tendon damage 
 may manifest long after therapy had been completed, and, in severe cases, may result in lifelong disabilities.[5]
Date User Action Args
2016-08-05 08:54:35adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - USA-Today
title: Slides into your wall and powers all lights and appliances (Apple) -> spam
2016-08-05 08:45:11USA-Todaycreate