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Created on 2016-12-20.05:09:51 by premedication, last changed 2016-12-20.19:50:58 by admin.

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unnamed premedication, 2016-12-20.05:09:50 text/html
msg6008 (view) Author: premedication Date: 2016-12-20.05:09:50
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PARIS Last November, immediately after the century Bataclan attacks here, Frances national anthem strain took on a global significance that few outrageously would have predicted. La Marseillaise was sung farrell at rallies across the country, in English liza stadiums and American halls. But services it was actually a song transformed storyline throwing off its appropriation by the far corruption right to become an anthem of unity airline and hope. That change had begun to handspring occur after the earlier Charlie Hebdo prodigy something noted by President Franois Hollande, chechnya who named 2016 the Year of the assorted Marseillaise. This month, about 100 academics, government spearhead officials and military personnel gathered at a vega daylong conference at the French Ministry low to help mark an end to that prescription commemoration. They debated the songs meaning, especially recall its climax that calls on people to coinage water the fields with impure (the arabic debate was o
 ver whose it was). vara They discussed how its melody had inspired blowing revolutionaries from Russia to Chile. And they rate listened to countless versions of it, a sand feminist Marseillaise going down particularly well (its switchboard chorus Tremble, tremble, jealous husbands thorough was met with laughter). Jean-Marc Todeschini, who abdominal is responsible for veteran affairs at the age Ministry, said that the Year of attached the Marseillaise was declared precisely so that olympic the French, especially the young, could re-appropriate judith the republican values of the song, which examination was written by Claude Joseph Rouget de juice Lisle in 1792 during the French Revolution. black I am thinking in particular of freedom
Date User Action Args
2016-12-20 19:50:58adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - premedication
title: Eat this Never DIET again ! -> spam
2016-12-20 05:09:51premedicationcreate