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Created on 2016-12-22.22:25:58 by letters_from_santa, last changed 2016-12-23.08:48:01 by admin.

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unnamed letters_from_santa, 2016-12-22.22:25:58 text/html
msg6015 (view) Author: letters_from_santa Date: 2016-12-22.22:25:58
bts Your child will believe in Santa with a Personalized Letter from Santa

"My 7 year old daughters face lit up with pure excitement when she received her package. She couldn't believe that Santa wrote a letter specifically for her! Thank you so much!" 
Travis Ware, CA

The experience and memories of a good Santa Letter can last a lifetime, for both the children and the parents.

Your letter is personalized for your child, signed by Santa and sent from the North Pole directly to their house! 
This truly makes this holiday season a magical one!

Santa's Package includes a personalized letter written and signed by Santa, a personalized Official Nice List Certificate, Santa's Map and Santa's Nice List that Santa Checked Twice!

--> Check it out now and make this season special! <--

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Date User Action Args
2016-12-23 08:48:01adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - letters_from_santa
title: A gift a child never forgets - a custom letter from Santa himself -> spam
2016-12-22 22:25:58letters_from_santacreate