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Created on 2016-12-27.16:44:48 by john-lopez, last changed 2016-12-27.17:46:05 by admin.

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msg6022 (view) Author: john-lopez Date: 2016-12-27.16:44:47
** Important Message December, 27th 2016

** FDA Warning: Antacids Cause Irreversible Harm After Just 2 Weeks

If you've taken antacids for heartburn, gas or bloating and then you might be putting your entire body at risk.

Here's why...

The FDA recently warned that antacids were never meant to be used as a long-term solution for heartburn.

In fact, the FDA reports that antacids should NOT be taken for longer than 2 weeks.

Yet, most people pop antacids like Tic Tacs for 20 or 30 years!

And this is not the first time the FDA has warned about these over-the-counter remedies...

Back in June, the FDA stunned many seniors when they revealed that antacids can cause serious internal bleeding and ulcers.

And a review they did last year showed that antacids could be doing irreversible damage to your bones.

But it doesn't stop there. There's a long list of dangerous side effects when it comes to antacids. Such as...
* Colon infections - so your food leaves you in pain when you eat it, and ALSO when it comes out the other end!
* Nutrient deficiencies like magnesium and calcium which can lead to weak bones, falls and more...
* Depletion of your iron levels which leaves your body starved for oxygen and open to the life threatening risk of anemia
* Constant fatigue, pale skin, dizziness and ice cold feet are just SOME of the symptoms of antacid use

Does that sound like it's worth it for temporary heartburn relief?


Which is why I never recommend antacids to my patients.

So what do I recommend instead?

A brand NEW herbal remedy that actually repairs, balances and strengthens your entire digestive system.

Unlike antacids that eliminate the acid in your stomach, this herbal remedy balances the acid in your stomach.

Why is this important?

Because if you totally eliminate stomach acid, you can't digest your food properly. And when you can't digest food properly, you're setting yourself up for serious health 
problems like being sick all the time, brain fog, weak bones and long bouts of fatigue.

Which is why it's important to balance the acid in your stomach. Not too much, not too little.

That's why I went on a painstaking search to create an all-natural solution that gets rid of occasional heartburn, bloating and gas without the dangerous side effects.

And that's exactly what this is. A powerful 13-herb formula that repairs, balances and strengthens your entire digestive system so that it works the way it should. Like it did when you were younger!

Remember when you were younger and you could scarf down a cheeseburger and milkshake without thinking twice about it?

Well that's because your stomach was strong and balanced back then. But over time your stomach weakens due to aging and too much processed food.

And that's why this NEW herbal remedy is such a godsend. It helps strengthen your stomach so that it works like it did when you were younger.

You can read all about this breakthrough, natural remedy on the next page right here

And here's the best part...

After I give this remedy to my patients, many of them call my office and are SHOCKED by how fast it works.

For some, it eliminates their gas and bloating in less than 10 minutes!

How is that even possible?

I'll reveal everything to you right here

- Dr. Lane Sebring M.D.
Digestive Specialist, Founder of the Sebring Clinic

P.S. - There's no area of medicine that has more confusion than digestive problems...

Why? Because most doctors (even GI doctors) frankly don't understand how digestion works.

If you're suffering from gas, bloating, occasional heartburn, diarrhea, constipation - or God forbid all of these things, then please do yourself a favor and read my new report on the next page.

It's about the 5 Biggest LIES that doctors tell their patients when it comes to stomach problems.

Be forewarned. This report is controversial.

I'm sure it will upset some doctors. And the drug companies will be steaming mad.

..But I believe you deserve to know the truth about why you're STILL suffering from stomach problems.

You can read that report for free right here

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Date User Action Args
2016-12-27 17:46:05adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - john-lopez
title: Is your antacid may be slowly killing you -> spam
2016-12-27 16:44:48john-lopezcreate