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Created on 2017-01-10.13:30:01 by BrainBooster1, last changed 2017-01-10.13:39:49 by admin.

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unnamed BrainBooster1, 2017-01-10.13:30:00 text/html
msg6039 (view) Author: BrainBooster1 Date: 2017-01-10.13:30:00
We’d all like to be smarter, sharper, and more agile in the mind, right?
click here
Well, what if I told you that you could improve your memory, boost your focus and concentration, and enjoy the brain power of a teenager – and get there in just 14 days?

Would you believe me?

This stunning discovery, backed by countless medical studies, is so powerful, that Mensa and other High IQ societies have BANNED their members from using it!

Check it out for yourself while you still can.
How to boost your brain power in 14 days

unsub from here| Health Source 17502 Melody Circle, Dubuq, IA 72529

But dig a little deeper and it's clear that full-time fatalism has set in. Congress party workers in Punjab, which has the best chance of returning to power after ten years, point out that their Chief Minister-hopeful Amarinder Singh has also been camping in Delhi these last few weeks, ostensibly because he is waiting for the powers-that-be to him on how to allocate the last 40 of 117 tickets-for-seats that will be up for grabs on February The party's second-rung also give kudos to Kishor for making Amarinder campaign in the state for at least the first few months - give and take a few weeks in Delhi - and battle it out with cheesy schemes such as "Koffee with Kaptan" as well as imbuing the phalanxes with courage and confidence to fight the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal-BJP alliance and rank outsider, the Aam Party
Date User Action Args
2017-01-10 13:39:49adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - BrainBooster1
title: Why Big Pharma hate this memory boosting 'trick' -> spam
2017-01-10 13:30:01BrainBooster1create