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Created on 2017-01-30.15:55:49 by luxurynewcars, last changed 2017-01-30.16:21:10 by admin.

msg6080 (view) Author: luxurynewcars Date: 2017-01-30.15:55:49
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 As always  it was humbling to see all of the wisdom and life experience out there. There were many  many  many excellent responses  with kind  heartfelt advice. It was hard to choose the ones that ended up here  and in many cases  I could have put a dozen different quotes that said almost the exact same thing. Exercises like this always amaze me because when you ask thousands of people for advice on something  you expect to receive thousands of different answers. But in both cases now  the vast majority of the advice has largely been the same. It shows you how similar we really are. And how no matter how bad things may get  we are never as alone as we think. I would end this by summarizing the advice in one tidy section. But once again  a reader named Margo did it far better than I ever could. So we ll end with Margo You can work through anything as long as you are not destroying yourself or each other. That means emotionally  physically  financially  or spiritually. Make nothing off limits to discuss. Never shame or mock each other for the things you do that make you happy. Write down why you fell in love and read it every year on your anniversary  or more often . Write love letters to each other often. Make each other first. When kids arrive  it will be easy to fall into a frenzy of making them the only focus of your life do not forget the love that produced them. You must keep that love alive and strong to feed them love. Spouse comes first. Each of you will continue to grow. Bring the other one with you. Be the one that welcomes that growth. Don t think that the other one will hold the relationship together. Both of you should assume it s up to you so that you are both working on it. Be passionate about cleaning house  preparing meals  and taking care of your home. This is required of everyone daily  make it fun and happy and do it together. Do not complain about your partner to anyone. Love them for who they are. Make love even when you are not in the mood. Trust each other. Give each other the benefit of the doubt always. Be transparent. Have nothing to hide. Be proud of each other. Have a life outside of each other  but share it through conversation. Pamper and adore each other. Go to counseling now before you need it so that you are both open to working on the relationship together. Disagree with respect to each other s feelings. Be open to change and accepting of differences. Print this and refer to it daily. A recruiter analyzed results from 3000 tech interviews to find the most successful candidate traits Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher and graduate student Haitham Al Hassanieh diagrams his research into hacking and securing Medtronic heart devices at this office at MIT in Cambridge  Massachusetts October 10  2014. In 2011 Al Hassanieh was able to both hack the heart device and offer a security solution. Picture taken October 10  2014. To match Insight CYBERSECURITY MEDICALDEVICES  REUTERS Brian Snyder  UNITED STATES   Tags  HEALTH SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY Challenges don t stop once you leave school.
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2017-01-30 16:21:10adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
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title: Great deals on new cars -> spam
2017-01-30 15:55:49luxurynewcarscreate