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Created on 2017-02-10.13:04:34 by 24lbsLoosinafewdays, last changed 2017-02-11.18:40:19 by admin.

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unnamed 24lbsLoosinafewdays, 2017-02-10.13:04:34 text/html
msg6107 (view) Author: 24lbsLoosinafewdays Date: 2017-02-10.13:04:34
Hi ,

New Year is here, and so is all the food!

There's delicious roast beef, ham and turkey to choose from.
Buttery potatoes covered in gravy. New Year cake, pumpkin pie, and boxes of chocolates, too.

But for anyone worried about their weight, New Year dinner comes with lashings of GUILT.

So what if I told you that this New Year, you can eat whatever you like,
and still lose weight, thanks to a fat-busting New Yearsy tipple?

French Wine For a Flat Belly

In fact, I've just heard how a 43 year old obese mother of two - who doctors had warned
would be dead inside 6 months - has just SHOCKED the medical community by dropping a
massive 42 lbs in just 30 days.

Without surgery.

Without cutting out any of her favorite foods.

And without even setting foot in a gym.

Instead, this breakthrough fat-busting 'trick' is all down to a very
special drink that you'll probably be downing this New Year.
To discover the secret that will let you eat whatever you want this Xmas,
and still lose weight, watch the shocking video here

Here's to a guilt-free New Year,

-Michael K. Storey

P.S. This miracle fat-burning 'trick' has already been used by 57,478 people with remarkable results.
But it won't be available for long. To find out how you can gorge on all the pies,
cakes and sweets you want this New Year, and still burn pounds of fat, watch the video now.

Date User Action Args
2017-02-11 18:40:19adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - 24lbsLoosinafewdays
title: Eating Salad Makes You Fatter (latest research) -> spam
2017-02-10 13:04:3424lbsLoosinafewdayscreate