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Created on 2017-04-25.16:28:55 by lexi.lott, last changed 2017-04-25.17:07:14 by admin.

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unnamed lexi.lott, 2017-04-25.16:28:54 text/html
msg6174 (view) Author: lexi.lott Date: 2017-04-25.16:28:54
The truth uncovered Tuesday
FOX dismissed her after this scandal rocked the network worse then Bill O Reillys 

The truth was uncovered

This could completely ruin the once popular host

ID: 104377973

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We ve adjusted our signals to help surface more authoritative pages and demote lowquality content, so that issues similar to the Holocaust denial results that we saw back in December are less likely to appear, writes Ben Gomes, Google s executive in charge of search, in a blog post published today. Additionally, users can now flag autocomplete features and highlighted results that are offensive, false or otherwise problematic. We plan to use this feedback to help improve our algorithms, writes Gomes.

The change follows increased attention to flaws in top search results, including the promotion of fake news, and deliberately misleading or false information formatted to look like news, during the  presidential election. Google said it has updated its algorithms to better prioritize authoritative content. Content may be deemed authoritative based on signals such as affiliation of a site with a university or verified news source, how often other sites link to the site in question, and the quality of the sites that link.
Date User Action Args
2017-04-25 17:07:14adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - lexi.lott
title: Megyn Kelly a trainwreck following FOX scandal -> spam
2017-04-25 16:28:55lexi.lottcreate