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Created on 2017-05-12.13:34:52 by HarveyLowery, last changed 2017-05-12.17:03:28 by admin.

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msg6180 (view) Author: HarveyLowery Date: 2017-05-12.13:34:52
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This crazy story gave me chills down my spine…

This war-inspired breakthrough saved the life of a man who had been poisoned by toe and nail fungus!

It blew my mind when I found out how dangerous toenail fungus really is…

You won't find this anywhere else on the internet

This free video will show you how to heal...
click here
It's unbelievable...

No cream, no antibiotics, just natural remedies that can be found in your household

He decided to go public and his video went viral in record time...People testified this method cured toenail fungus forever after just of couple of days… …literally doing nothing.

Click HERE for this counter-intuitive life hack
Natural healing is what world needs Stay healthy

unsub from here| Health Source 17502 Melody Circle, Dubuq, IA 72529

Do you remember those days when you would wait patiently for chickpeas and moong dal soaked in water to slit open into tiny tail-like structures? Wasn't it fascinating as a kid? The process is sprouting and sprouts can be a super healthy to your daily meals. While you have a variety of legumes to choose from, is a technique to get it right. Learn all about sprouting the right way and the many benefits of the process.  Sprouting is a process seeds and legumes are germinated and eventually eaten raw. When seeds are soaked in water for a certain period of time, they germinate, causing their outer layers to tear open and a young shoot to blossom. Sprouted grains, legumes and beans are believed to be very nutritious and healthy. Grains are soaked in water so as to soften their outer membranes them to sprout.Sprouting tends to enhance the nutritional value of the grains, legumes or beans. These contain certain anti-nutrients including phytic acid which locks up important minerals. It also 
 inhibits our digestive enzymes that can cause indigestion and intestinal gas. Nutritionist Sheela Sehrawat from the Diet Clinic in New Delhi, explains, "Sprouting increases the nutritive value of the ingredients and provides better digestion. The young sprouts have 10 to 100 times glucoraphanin which is an enzyme that protects the body from cancer causing agents. Further, it provides antioxidants and increases the activity of chlorophyll which helps in detoxifying your body by boosting the oxygen levels in the body."
Date User Action Args
2017-05-12 17:03:28adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - HarveyLowery
title: Treatments for Toenail Fungus -> spam
2017-05-12 13:34:52HarveyLowerycreate