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Created on 2017-05-17.09:56:50 by ProblemofTinnitus, last changed 2017-05-17.11:14:37 by admin.

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unnamed ProblemofTinnitus, 2017-05-17.09:56:49 text/html
msg6188 (view) Author: ProblemofTinnitus Date: 2017-05-17.09:56:49

For decades doctors believed tinnitus was an ear problem.

They were WRONG!

Studies performed at leading universities around the world revealed that tinnitus is actually a brain problem that destroys the auditory cortex.

A study done by neuroscientist Winfried Schlee at the University of Konstanz in Germany used MEG (magnetoencephalography) to scan the brains of tinnitus-stricken patients.

What they found was quite disturbing: tinnitus doesn’t fry just the auditory cortex. It sends ripples out across the entire brain which over-stimulates neurons. read more..

This leads tinnitus sufferers to develop life-threatening diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, diabetes, hypertension and even cancer.

Even with this undeniable proof in hand, the medical community still views tinnitus as a minor condition.

But luckily, a rogue researcher broke the status quo and developed a “brain hack” to neutralize tinnitus once and for all.

And he’s freely sharing it with the world.

Find out the details here

Uncover the scientific breakthrough that silences tinnitus forever.

If you don't want Tinnitus Offer Unsubscribe Here..
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Date User Action Args
2017-05-17 11:14:37adminsetstatus: unread -> dead
nosy: - ProblemofTinnitus
title: Ear problem triggers cancer,Alzheimer's and dementia -> spam
2017-05-17 09:56:50ProblemofTinnituscreate