
Title provide mountall feature
Priority feature Status wont-fix
Superseder Nosy List ch, mika
Assigned To Topics core

Created on 2007-12-10.09:52:57 by mika, last changed 2010-10-19.13:33:20 by mika.

msg3394 (view) Author: mika Date: 2010-10-19.13:33:19
Ok, closing this bugreport - nobody really cared for ~3 years and yes - it's 
quite dangerous.
msg3393 (view) Author: ch Date: 2010-10-19.13:01:08
This is nice from a user pov, but is equally dangerous.
msg3066 (view) Author: mika Date: 2010-02-28.01:04:52
I'm not sure whether this is good idea nowadays with LVM, SW-RAID,... being 
pretty common and there might be even stacked layers involved. What do other 
people think about this one?
msg1008 (view) Author: mika Date: 2007-12-10.09:52:56
Thomas Lange requested the feature, to be able to mount all present filesystems 
with one single bootoption/command. IIRC FAI has such an option as well as 
Knoppicilin, we should provide that feature as well.
Date User Action Args
2010-10-19 13:33:20mikasetstatus: need-eg -> wont-fix
nosy: mika, ch
messages: + msg3394
2010-10-19 13:01:08chsetnosy: + ch
messages: + msg3393
2010-02-28 01:04:52mikasetstatus: unread -> need-eg
messages: + msg3066
2007-12-10 09:52:57mikacreate