
Title grml-terminalserver: do not recreate initrd nowadays?
Priority wish Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List gebi, mika
Assigned To Topics terminalserver

Created on 2010-02-28.00:39:43 by mika, last changed 2010-12-02.13:21:20 by mika.

msg3557 (view) Author: mika Date: 2010-12-02.13:21:20
I've implemented this in grml-terminalserver.git commit 
40f2a277ce367ff10e1cef3a43d6cf6f4fa9a454, closing this bugreport therefore.
msg3058 (view) Author: mika Date: 2010-02-28.00:39:43
AFAICS the network kernel modules are present in our default initrd already. If 
we don't need to rebuild the initramfs for terminalserver we could save the 
process of rebuilding the initramfs and maybe even generate the netboot package 
without a running Grml live system, nor? Gebi, could you please provide 
feedback on this issue?

Date User Action Args
2010-12-02 13:21:20mikasetstatus: unread -> resolved
messages: + msg3557
2010-02-28 00:39:43mikacreate