
Title grml2usb installation structure consideration
Priority feature Status dead
Superseder Nosy List suntong
Assigned To Topics

Created on 2010-06-17.17:05:24 by suntong, last changed 2011-11-07.13:34:42 by mika.

msg4035 (view) Author: mika Date: 2011-11-07.13:34:37

thanks for your suggestion.

Restructuring the file system will be a *big* effort and requires coordination within at least two major tools 
(grml2usb + grml-live). It would be nice to get that, though as it needs a lot of work and we don't have the manpower 
to implement that in the foreseeable future I'm marking this as "dead" for now.

msg3231 (view) Author: suntong Date: 2010-06-17.17:05:23

Currently, grml2usb install to the destination pen drive with the structure like

. . . 
. . . 

I.e., every aspect of boot component has been seamlessly mingled into proper
places. This is one way to arrange things, proper things go to their respective
proper places (referred as plan-A afterward). However, I hope that the
installation structure can take another approach -- all files go into a single
directory, say /os/grml-medium-2010.04/ for example  (referred as plan-B

Here is my view of plan-B and plan-A:

- directory structure. plan-B: self contained. plan-A: complicated,
distro-specific related files spread arosss multiple directories. 

- organization: straightforward vs mixed-up. Use /boot/syslinux/ for example,
plan-B contains only files originally from syslinux, nothing else, whereas
plan-A contains files from all different flavours. 

- management: easy vs hard. Use deleting a flavour for example, plan-B just need
to use a single command to remove (/os/grml-medium-2010.04/); plan-A: so
complicated to do it manually that it is better to write another script to do it. 

- cooperate ability. relaxed vs strict. For example, when I want to try a new
grml (beta) release, plan-B allows me to try it out parallel at
/os/grml-medium-newdate/ via for plan-A, the only way is to overwrite the
version that I've been accustomed to and left with something risky.

Please consider, 

Date User Action Args
2011-11-07 13:34:42mikasetstatus: chatting -> dead
2011-11-07 13:34:37mikasetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg4035
2010-06-17 17:05:24suntongcreate