
Author mika
Recipients amne
Date 2008-01-25.20:41:18
* Wernfried Haas <> [20080124 17:32]:

> During reboot grml waits 2 minutes (or hit enter) so you can eject the cd.
> However i was unable to eject it using the eject button of the drive on both
> boxes i tested, seems the drive is locked.
> After effecitvely rebooting i was able to eject it during the bios startup phase.

Thanks for reporting, amne. This problem should be fixed with the
next build (there's a "kind of unofficial" (not announced yet) build
available at )

Any chance that you could test the issue with grml64_0.2-rc2.iso?

thanks && regards,
Date User Action Args
2008-01-25 20:41:18mikasetrecipients: + amne
2008-01-25 20:41:18mikalinkissue384 messages
2008-01-25 20:41:18mikacreate