
Author z3ttacht
Recipients ft, mika
Date 2008-01-28.18:40:57
* Frank Terbeck <> [2008-01-28 18:49]:
> > +typeset -a conf_dir conf_ignore
> Please use 'local' variables.
*argh* Sure! But isn't typeset automatically local in functions and
,----[ man 1 zshparam | less -p 'Local Parameters' ]-
| The typeset builtin, and its alternative forms declare, integer, local
| and readonly (but not export),  can be used to declare a parameter as
| being local to the innermost scope.
Or did I miss something here?

> > +conf_dir=( $HOME/.newsbeuter /etc/skel/.newsbeuter )
> '/etc/skel'?
I know, that directory doesn't exist yet. But more for newsbeuter is
coming. And then there will be one. (o;

Or did you mean something else? Does it not make sense to look for
config files for completion in there within grml?

Kind regards,
Date User Action Args
2008-01-28 18:40:58z3ttachtsetrecipients: + mika, ft
2008-01-28 18:40:58z3ttachtlinkissue388 messages
2008-01-28 18:40:57z3ttachtcreate