
Author ft1
Recipients ft, mika, z3ttacht
Date 2008-01-30.09:29:23
Alexander Steinböck <>:
> +conf_dir=( $HOME/.newsbeuter /usr/share/doc/newsbeuter/examples )

I don't like '/usr/share/doc/newsbeuter/examples' either.

What happens if I installed newbeuter from a .deb, which keeps its
examples there, but I also installed a SVN snapshot in, which keeps
its examples in '/usr/local/share/doc/newsbeuter/examples', with
potentially incompatible configuration files... (you know, development

zsh doesn't know which version I'm running; Therefore, it can only
guess for the right place for examples in such a directory.

Also, is newsbeuter able to deal with gzipped config files at all?
If not, it's pointless anyway (unless you do some smart =(...) magic
in your completion, when it finds .gz), if the examples are gzipped
by default.

What is the point in completing these at all?

I would probably just use plain the _files completion for config files
anyway, and *maybe* look into ~/.newbeuter as well, if you must.

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925
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2008-01-30 09:29:24ft1setrecipients: + ft, z3ttacht
2008-01-30 09:29:24ft1linkissue388 messages
2008-01-30 09:29:23ft1create