
Author ft
Recipients mika, z3ttacht
Date 2008-01-31.09:55:45
Alexander Steinböck <>:
> Alexander Steinböck <> added the comment:
> One thing I forgot to mention.
> IMHO testing for $PAGER as in
>   ,----[ /etc/skel/.zshrc ]-
>   |   +if check_com -c $PAGER ; then
>   `----
> which originated from the same test with most, is _not_ necessary,
> since $PAGER gets definitely set.
>   ,----[ /etc/zsh/zshrc ]-
>   | +(( ${+PAGER} )) || export PAGER="less"
>   `----
> Arguments for keeping it? (o;

Sure, it's not the same thing.

check_com() checks if the command stored in $PAGER is available.
The latter snippet checks if $PAGER is empty and if so, sets it to
'less'. My personal preference would be to use PAGER=${PAGER:-less}
there, because, IMHO it's a lot clearer.

However we should make sure that the 'export PAGER=${PAGER:-less}'
code is issued *before* the check_com() line. Because check_com()
requires a command to be checked for. An empty string would be a
rather weird command name. :-)

Patch welcome, btw.
I'll be afk until the evening.

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925
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2008-01-31 09:55:46ftsetrecipients: + z3ttacht
2008-01-31 09:55:45ftlinkissue386 messages
2008-01-31 09:55:45ftcreate