
Author z3ttacht
Recipients ft, mika
Date 2008-01-31.10:39:46
* ft <> [2008-01-31 10:55]:
> check_com() checks if the command stored in $PAGER is available.
> The latter snippet checks if $PAGER is empty and if so, sets it to
> 'less'. My personal preference would be to use PAGER=${PAGER:-less}
> there, because, IMHO it's a lot clearer.
Maybe, but doesn't the current approach give $USER the ability to
overwrite the setting?
I really can live with check_com - it's a great function - I was just
curious how others were thinking about it. Since it came from the
former functions with most(1) in it.

> However we should make sure that the 'export PAGER=${PAGER:-less}'
> code is issued *before* the check_com() line.
Isn't that down now, since the patch moved it to /etc/zsh/zshrc?
Date User Action Args
2008-01-31 10:39:46z3ttachtsetrecipients: + mika, ft
2008-01-31 10:39:46z3ttachtlinkissue386 messages
2008-01-31 10:39:46z3ttachtcreate