
Author ft
Recipients ft, mika
Date 2008-03-11.21:30:18
This is kind of embarassing.
We added But grml does not ship the needed
perl modules. This is bad.

I was *sure* I checked they were in the packages list.
But they are not in the list for 1.1, nor are they among
the removed packages since 1.0.

Could they have been silently dropped?
That would be: libogg-vorbis-header-perl and libmp3-tag-perl.
Those are needed for the version in grml-scripts.

If these packages could not have been dropped silently,
by accident, then this has *never* been tested.

And I would obviously be the one to blame.

In any case, I think should be removed from
grml-scripts at once (unless we want to expand grml-scripts
dependencies - which we don't).

Sorry for that ugly screw-up, if it turns out to be my fault.
...which is quite likely, unfortunately. :-/

Regards, Frank
Date User Action Args
2008-03-11 21:30:18ftsetrecipients: + ft, mika
2008-03-11 21:30:18ftsetmessageid: <>
2008-03-11 21:30:18ftlinkissue435 messages
2008-03-11 21:30:18ftcreate