
Author ft
Recipients SkinnerRobot, mika
Date 2008-04-07.12:42:27
Michael Prokop <>:
> * Gus Tavares <> [20080407 11:42]:
> > Using your mouse, please copy and paste onto your zsh commandline the following
> > line:
> > echo '#a,.b'
> > The result is:
> > #ab
> [...]
> I guess it's because of:
> % bindkey ,.
> ",." globalias

That's right.

> Frank, any ideas how we could "work around" this issue?

Off hand, I do not see an elegant way to deal with this.

We could create a binding, that would toggle these abbreviations on
and off. Or we could introduce a variable $DISABLE_ABBREV.

Neither of these solutions is exceptionally nice.
I'll think about it...

How would you measure the "badness" of this? I have some difficulties
in judging this, because I do not use things like the abbreviations
stuff in my own configuration. Does stuff like this problem piss
people more off than not having abbreviations at all?

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925
Date User Action Args
2008-04-07 12:42:28ftsetrecipients: + SkinnerRobot
2008-04-07 12:42:28ftlinkissue445 messages
2008-04-07 12:42:27ftcreate