
Author mika
Recipients zugschlus
Date 2008-06-09.20:00:32
* Marc 'Zugschlus' Haber <> [20080609 21:11]:

> Packs up a lot less, but still files that were never manually touched. 
> LIke /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, or /etc/sysconfig/keyboard.

This are automatically generated files, so that's ok.

> On the first try, it complained about some files changing as they were read and 
> terminated with an unspecified error, but the second try worked.

Ok, I'll try to find a workaround for the "files changing" issue.

thx && regards,
Date User Action Args
2008-06-09 20:00:32mikasetrecipients: + zugschlus
2008-06-09 20:00:32mikalinkissue478 messages
2008-06-09 20:00:32mikacreate