
Author suntong
Recipients suntong
Date 2008-10-07.14:44:54

to log into bts what I intent to do...

[Comments from mika]:

> What would you think if we refactor out the command line
> parameter-processing into a separated file, say $PN.clp?

> If you are ok with it, I will take the response of building and
> maintaining the .clp/.hlp file. The only thing I need is the switch
> name (e.g, --boot=ldr) and  switch description ("boot loader that
> ..."), and I'll take care of the rest. In fact, if you plan to build
> further scripts, I'll willing to take the response of building the
> .clp/.hlp files for them as well. . .

> With so many cmdline switches adding to grml-debootstrap,  I think it
> is a good time to settle with it now than later. . .

> I know there are lots of technical details and concerns we need to
> settle first. Let's discuss them now. for example the .hlp file, we
> can make it a plain text file, so instead of sourcing it, why don't we
> change from

> usage() {
>   echo "$PN - ...

> to
> usage() {
>   cat "$PN".hlp
>   more scripts if needed for providing any further help information
> }

> This shouldn't vary too much from the original design. If you still
> don't feel comfortable with it, we can do away with the .hlp file and
> maintain the help text just as before -- I'm open to any discussions.

I'm not comfortable with it because I don't see the big benefit from
it right now.

> >  Putting
> > cmdline stuff into an extra file is a good idea but when doing so
> > I'd like to put some other stuff to separate files as well. :)

> let's take the command line parameter-processing as the first step,
> shall we? tackle one beast at a time, :-)

NACK for the usage stuff, but if *you* think that moving the cmdline
stuff into an external file is worth the effort: go for it and I'll
accept tested patches.

[Current status]

work started

[Concerns & issues]

- shall we settle the extension of the command line
parameter-processing separated file to .clp? that'll make my life a
bit easier since it will be consistent with my other scripts.
- on factoring out the command line parameter-processing, two more
dependents are required for grml-debootstrap: coreutils for readlink
and util-linux for getopt, thought it won't be a big deal since both
are essential packages available from debootstrap.
Date User Action Args
2008-10-07 14:44:57suntongsetrecipients: + suntong
2008-10-07 14:44:57suntonglinkissue546 messages
2008-10-07 14:44:54suntongcreate