
Author mika
Date 2008-11-15.11:54:31
See VI./4 in

4. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, You may allow a third 
party to use Your copy of This Product (or a copy that you make and distribute, 
or Your Product, or respective parts thereof) provided that the third party 
overtly accepts and agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions of this 
License and the third party is not prohibited from using This Product (or 
portions thereof) by this License (see, e.g., Section VI.7) or by applicable 
law. However, You are not obligated to ensure that the third party accepts (and 
agrees to be bound by all terms of) this License if You distribute only the 
self-extracting package (containing This Product) that does not allow the user 
to install (nor extract) the files contained in the package until he or she 
accepts and agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions of this License.

-> No chance for us to ship Truecrypt with the current license. :-/
Date User Action Args
2008-11-15 11:54:32mikalinkissue504 messages
2008-11-15 11:54:31mikacreate