
Author ft
Recipients mika, z3ttacht
Date 2009-02-13.10:56:47
Michael Prokop <>:
> As discussed at the BSP on IRC: ACK from my side.


> Do I have to take any action or do you plan to apply the patches on
> your own?

We'll handle it, unless you want something specific.

> BTW: I plan to merge the ft-rebased branch in those days, so feel
> free to adjust whatever is necessary. ;)

Well then:
Let's put grml-etc-core (at least the zsh part) into "deep freeze".

'ft-rebased' is currently a fast-forward to the 'master' branch on, which is good - that's what I was aiming for.

Mika: If you make changes to 'master' before the merge, ping me and
I'll update the rebased branch. Other then that, we're good to go.

Alexander: When you clean up the patch, base it on ft-rebased, that
way it'll just apply later. And what I said about "take the unneeded
expansions out": scratch that. It's cleaner if that's done in a
seperate patch. Either *before* (which is probably preferable) or
*after* the patch discussed in this bug. I'm fine either way, just
don't squash it into one patch. We'll apply those patches *after* we
merged 'ft-rebased' into 'master'.

Regards, Frank
Date User Action Args
2009-02-13 10:56:48ftsetrecipients: + mika
2009-02-13 10:56:48ftlinkissue616 messages
2009-02-13 10:56:47ftcreate