
Author ft
Recipients mika, z3ttacht
Date 2009-02-27.17:34:09
Alexander Steinböck <>:
> > But I don't see why you can't base your work on top of that last patch
> > in your git branch...
> I thought it would be easier to follow the history later when
> providing a simpler patch based on an updated master branch. (s.
> issue642) Less modifications overall.

Well, ideally these two issues that came up in this report should have
remain in this report in two patches of one patchset.

That why we could discuss *both* patches touching the same code area
at the same time. Therefore removing the need of artificial

Regards, Frank
Date User Action Args
2009-02-27 17:34:10ftsetrecipients: + z3ttacht
2009-02-27 17:34:10ftlinkissue616 messages
2009-02-27 17:34:09ftcreate