
Author ft
Recipients mika
Date 2009-04-03.18:57:29
When going through 'My Issues' I found this one again...

I'm sorry I haven't got a decent implementation for this.
As Bart Schaefer noted on zsh-users some time ago, best would
probably be to implement this within the accept-line wrapper,
that we are using. I've been at it for ~45 minutes but I
was not able to resolve this in a way that I would be happy with.

In fact, I was quite unhappy with the results I had.

Then I wanted to go at a half-assed hack so that we could at least
close this bug, even if it wasn't perfect. While doing that for
about half an hour, I got so fed up with myself for even considering
something like that, that it caused me to delete my topic branch
that held the code.

Marking as deferred for now.
Date User Action Args
2009-04-03 18:57:33ftsetrecipients: + mika
2009-04-03 18:57:33ftsetmessageid: <>
2009-04-03 18:57:33ftlinkissue564 messages
2009-04-03 18:57:29ftcreate