
Author mika
Recipients mika
Date 2010-04-14.22:53:27
Forwarding feature request by Florian (slightly adjusted as merged of 3 mails 

Is it possible to include a default value for the findiso boot parameter in the 
initrd scripts? Something like "/grml.iso" would be sufficient.

Reason: Integration of grml into multi-boot-rescue DVDs would be much easier. 
One could place the grml-ISO-image at the default location on the DVD and just 
chain load from the boot menu of the rescue DVD to the grml boot loader.
Actually, it already works - you just have to enter the ISOLINUX command line 
and enter "grml findiso=/grml.iso". However, it would be nice, if that would 
not be necessary.

[Addon after reply after asking for clarification: Yes, should try to use /
grml.iso just by default in the default unmodified boot option.]


But: If the user just burns the original ISO image, this can't happen. So the 
normal case would be safe anyway. Maybe it would be a bit better to look for /
grml.iso as a last resort just before bailing out to the initrd shell if
grml.squashfs is not found in another way.

If you still want to add an additional safety layer against accidently mounting 
the wrong file system, I can think of two ways:

- search for the exact file name of the ISO (e.g, grml_2009.10.iso). However, 
then you have to make individual initrds for each ISO.
- check the contents of /GRML/grml-version.

This feature really would make it much easier to create combined rescue DVDs 
that contain several operating systems.


I understand that - but please consider that it would make it much more 
convenient for a lot of users not having to know about the "findiso" boot 
option and not having to enter it (...especially with a non-US keyboard layout).
Date User Action Args
2010-04-14 22:53:29mikasetrecipients: + mika
2010-04-14 22:53:29mikasetmessageid: <>
2010-04-14 22:53:29mikalinkissue842 messages
2010-04-14 22:53:28mikacreate