
Author suntong
Recipients gebi, mika, suntong
Date 2010-06-06.03:07:52

I believe that the chroot part in grml-debootstrap and grml-chroot share a good
portion of common ground in preparing chroot, and restoring it. So would it a
good idea to split out chroot part of grml-debootstrap into grml-chroot, so that
we have a single code base to maintain/enhance? 

If OK, I'd like to take the first stab,

. do the porting/testing
. add parameter handling to grml-chroot so that 

  grml-chroot --grml-debootstrap os_root

will do the jobs originally in grml-debootstrap.

OK? If so, I'd also like to add another parameter --force-unload to do the
following conditionally:

diff --git a/usr_sbin/grml-chroot b/usr_sbin/grml-chroot
index eb9cefc..bce9c50 100755
--- a/usr_sbin/grml-chroot
+++ b/usr_sbin/grml-chroot
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function mountit
 function umount_all
    for i in $MOUNTED_; do
-        umount "${DEST_}/$i"
+        umount "${DEST_}/$i" || umount -l "${DEST_}/$i"
Date User Action Args
2010-06-06 03:07:53suntongsetrecipients: + suntong, mika, gebi
2010-06-06 03:07:53suntongsetmessageid: <>
2010-06-06 03:07:52suntonglinkissue865 messages
2010-06-06 03:07:52suntongcreate