
Author ft
Recipients mru
Date 2011-03-14.22:26:31
Ulrich Dangel wrote:
> * Christian Hofstaedtler wrote [14.03.11 22:14]:
>> mru, can you provide a patch for such a function?
> Not directly in zsh as i am not a shell guru.  But it would be possible
> with perl.

Well. A Perl solution within zsh should be out of the question. It's
probably just as straight-forward in pure zsh, too. Unfortunately, I
can't motivate myself to take a crack at it, because I don't see the
immediate use for me personally.

I'm open for other people's suggestions, obviously.

Regards, Frank
Date User Action Args
2011-03-14 22:26:32ftsetrecipients: + mru
2011-03-14 22:26:32ftlinkissue965 messages
2011-03-14 22:26:31ftcreate