
Author unicum
Recipients ft, unicum
Date 2011-09-06.00:41:36
Hi, I'm running

lvps83-169-34-59% zsh --version            
zsh 4.3.6 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

on a server set up with

lvps83-169-34-59% cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 \n \l

with a grml zshrc. When I log into the system it throws the in title mentioned
error at me and I can't seem to fix it. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Fun fact: within screen zsh actually does accept the .zshrc making it even more
incomprehensible to me.
Date User Action Args
2011-09-06 00:41:36unicumsetrecipients: + unicum, ft
2011-09-06 00:41:36unicumsetmessageid: <>
2011-09-06 00:41:36unicumlinkissue1050 messages
2011-09-06 00:41:36unicumcreate