
Author vjm
Recipients vjm
Date 2012-04-03.03:46:50
I have a working setup for 2011.05 amd64 and i386.
It does a pxe boot of the grml kernel and then mounts the iso over NFS.
We use dhcp with 'next-server' to tell the machine where to find the PXE server.

I tried 2011.12 and it fails to mount the nfs share.
The boot line args are
 boot=live lang=us nomce quiet apm=power-off nodhcp noprompt noeject

live-boot.log shows:
  Connected eth0 found
  Net: turning on all device links
  ignoring net device eth0 due to nodhcp
  Creating /etc/resolv.conf
  connect: Network is unreachable.
  connect: Network is unreachable.
  NFS over TCP not available from (address of NFS server)

The connect messages go on for a while and then I get dropped into a shell.
At this point -
 - ifconfig eth0 does not show an ipv4 address on the interface
 - /etc/resolv.conf does not exist
 - df shows a /dev (fstype udev) and a /run (tnmpfs)

I am able to boot the machine into its usual OS and mount the NFS share
containing the 2011.12 iso image; it's not an issue there. It is something
to do with the initial networking setup.

On 2011.05 we get different behaviour using the same boot options.
There, it does this
 found eth0
 IP-Config: eth0 hardware address de:ad:be:ef MTU 1500 DHCP RARP
 IP-Config: eth0 guessed broadcast address
 IP-Config: eth0 complete from  (dhcp server addr)  
 Then it prints the dhcp config it has received and creates /etc/resolv.conf.

Then it mounts the nfs share and continues happily.

When I try to boot 2011.12 without the nodhcp option it fails,
possibly because it seems it is trying to boot into /pxelinux.0.

I also tried ethdevice-timeout=60 and there was a message indicating the
timeout had been changed but that had no obvious effect on the issue; the
failure occurred just as quickly as before.
Date User Action Args
2012-04-03 03:46:50vjmsetrecipients: + vjm
2012-04-03 03:46:50vjmsetmessageid: <>
2012-04-03 03:46:50vjmlinkissue1152 messages
2012-04-03 03:46:50vjmcreate