
Author mika
Recipients pasztor
Date 2013-03-12.16:17:26
* PASZTOR Miklos wrote in grml's BTS on 20130312 / 16:50:

>  I have been an enthusiastic grml user for some time.

>  With the latest (2013.02) version after a grml2usb the image will not boot
>  without keyboard intervention.

>  I fixed this with adding the following line to
>  /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg:

> DEFAULT grml64-full

>  You may want to fix this also.

Hm, there should be 'default grml' inside
/boot/syslinux/grml64_full_default.cfg (which itself gets sourced
via defaults.cfg -> grmlmain.cfg -> distri.cfg -> vesamenu.cfg ->
isolinux.cfg / syslinux.cfg).

I can't reproduce this issue here, it works just fine for me™.

So to dig deeper into this issue:

Can you reproduce this issue booting on a different computer with
the same (broken for you) usb installation?

Did you use an empty usb device for installation? If not, has there
possibly been a Linux installation already on that device?

Did you run grml2usb on the 2013.02 live system? If not, which
system are you running grml2usb on and which version of grml2usb are
you using? What command line did you use for grml2usb?

Can you reproduce this issue on a different usb device as well?
If so, can you please provide us a copy of the resulting
/boot/syslinux/ directory?

Date User Action Args
2013-03-12 16:17:26mikasetrecipients: + pasztor
2013-03-12 16:17:26mikalinkissue1243 messages
2013-03-12 16:17:26mikacreate