
Author mika
Recipients martinslouf
Date 2013-06-10.16:45:22
* MartinÅ louf wrote in grml's BTS on 20130608 / 16:52:

> i believe i have found a bug in (otherwise great :-) GRML distribution.

> 6. As it seems, current grm2usb script has an error

> $ diff /usr/sbin/grml2usb /usr/sbin/grml2usb~
> 1387c1387
> <     syslinux_config_file.write("timeout 300\n")
> ---
> >     syslinux_config_file.write("TIMEOUT 300\n")

> Problem is that "TIMEOUT" is given with uppercase letters; change to
> lowercase and you are fine.

This never was an issue so far, AFAIK syslinux also shouldn't
care about upper case vs. lower case, so I'm wondering why this
happens to you but no one else (so far).
Are you using grml2usb directly from the grml64-full_2013.02 ISO
with the syslinux version shipped with grml64-full_2013.02?

(I'm happy to adjust the timeout setting accordingly, but I'd like
to understand what's going on.)


Date User Action Args
2013-06-10 16:45:22mikasetrecipients: + martinslouf
2013-06-10 16:45:22mikalinkissue1262 messages
2013-06-10 16:45:22mikacreate