
Author TS
Recipients Xk2c
Date 2015-05-23.11:45:14
Thilo Six schrieb/wrote:
-- <snip> --
> This whole thing is quite more complex then i ever could imagine, before.
> But then what i really like is, i have learned quite a bit through all that.


now i have a version that suits me. The decision if it also suit grml is left to

A few notes:
The usage of cd seem hackish probably at first. Yet i have come to conclude cd
is a rather powerfull builtin. Especially after reading the aforementioned
article. I now think using cd is no more insane then storing a value in a
variable. It simply just changes the env. Also this way we drop the hard work of
resolving absolute vs. relative symlinks to the shell which is rather informed
about how to do that.
Yes i am aware of modifiers :a and :A. Still these break in certain use cases.

anyway. Final version attached.

kind regards,

File name Uploaded
0001-modified-sll-to-among-others-detect-symlink-loops-an.patch TS, 2015-05-23.11:45:14
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2015-05-23 11:45:14TSsetrecipients: + Xk2c
2015-05-23 11:45:14TSlinkissue1351 messages
2015-05-23 11:45:14TScreate