
Author SurvivalLife
Recipients SurvivalLife
Date 2017-01-07.16:45:57
Dear Friends,

Folds to the size of a credit card, 2 mm THIN!
and right now it's yours FREE!

Click here to grab yours NOW.

Check out this short video below to see exactly
what Coolest Knife can do.

Click here to claim yours for FREE now!
This clever tool is an invaluable, possibly life-saving utensil
that is equally at home in your wallet, purse, bug-out bag,
toolbox, or even the kitchen drawer.
These blades are steel and they will set off any metal detectors.
This product is not easily smuggled onto airlines. The Credit Card
Knife is notorious for being super sharp so please take care when
handling this product to light an entire
room but tucks neatly away into any pack, pocket
or drawer until you need it!
That's it... You get the Coolest Knife FREE. Just take
care of the shipping and it's yours to keep.

Yes, Send Me My Free PopLamp Now! No strings attached!

Well, there is one HUGE catch. Quantity is limited
and I only have so many to give out, so if you
want one, you have to jump on this now...

Remember, we're all in this together!

"Above Average" Joe
Survival Life Chief Editor

P.S. I don't have many of these available and last
time I had them, they were GONE in less than
48 hours. Don't miss out!

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unnamed SurvivalLife, 2017-01-07.16:45:57
Date User Action Args
2017-01-07 16:45:58SurvivalLifesetrecipients: + SurvivalLife
2017-01-07 16:45:58SurvivalLifelinkissue2359 messages
2017-01-07 16:45:57SurvivalLifecreate