
Title grml-live-remaster
Priority bug Status dead
Superseder Nosy List mmolle
Assigned To Topics

Created on 2013-03-11.14:11:03 by mmolle, last changed 2013-03-11.15:06:02 by mika.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
grml-live-remaster mmolle, 2013-03-11.14:11:03 text/plain
grml-live-remaster.orig mmolle, 2013-03-11.14:11:03 text/plain
remaster.diff mmolle, 2013-03-11.14:11:03 text/x-patch
msg4528 (view) Author: mika Date: 2013-03-11.15:06:02
Duplicate of #1241, closing this one therefore and handling rest inside
msg4526 (view) Author: mmolle Date: 2013-03-11.14:11:03

i am creating a grml for my work (i base it on grml32-full, 2013.02),
where i don't really have to change much. so i tried to use
grml-live-remaster. actually a nice script (please leave it in! it's
easy to read, change, and does, kinda, what it's supposed to do.)

'kinda'. i.e. not really.

but i patched it, so it now works for me

with this mail, i'm sending you the patch, no © attached :)

what it does:

1. /remaster is created in a 'if' clause, i didn't really get why. so i
took it out of the if. also, i require the existence of /remaster
beforehand. so i can symlink it to a directory on a harddrive. (this was
good for me, could be possibly nicer for usability)

2. the squashfs-directory + filename is created wrong. (using basename),
i did it differently, which worked for grml32-full, probably working for
64 too, didn't test.

3. /run and /dev/pts aren't bind-mounted, i included that. important:
/dev/pts has to be mounted after /dev but unmounted before /dev. (that
one cost me 2 reboots), so in the 'for i in /dev /run ...' the list
cannot be the same.

4. filesystem.module is not created (needed for grml2usb), included that.

keep up the good work! thanks for a great distro.

Date User Action Args
2013-03-11 15:06:02mikasetstatus: unread -> dead
priority: bug
messages: + msg4528
2013-03-11 15:05:17mikalinkissue1241 superseder
2013-03-11 14:11:03mmollecreate