
Title grml-live-remaster improvements
Priority bug Status resolved
Superseder grml-live-remaster
View: 1240
Nosy List mika, mmolle
Assigned To mika Topics

Created on 2013-03-11.14:16:18 by mmolle, last changed 2013-05-20.22:00:28 by mika.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
grml-live-remaster mmolle, 2013-03-11.14:16:17 text/plain
grml-live-remaster.orig mmolle, 2013-03-11.14:16:18 text/plain
remaster.diff mmolle, 2013-03-11.14:16:18 text/x-patch
msg4569 (view) Author: mika Date: 2013-05-20.22:00:27
We believe that your issue has been closed by the upload of
Version 0.20.2 of grml-live from Michael Prokop <>.
The explanation is attached below

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 23:45:15 +0200
Source: grml-live
Binary: grml-live grml-live-db
Architecture: source all
Version: 0.20.2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Michael Prokop <>
Changed-By: Michael Prokop <>
 grml-live  - build system for creating a Grml (based) Linux live system
 grml-live-db - log package build information of grml-live to database
 grml-live (0.20.2) unstable; urgency=low
   * [8a6187d] grml-live-remaster: check for /remaster before using it,
     mount-bind /run and /dev/pts, create filesystem.module
     [Closes: issue1241] Thanks to Moritz Molle for the initial patch
   * [be66030] GRMLBASE/45-grub-images: adapt script for renamed raid.mod
     file. Thanks to Jordan Uggla for the feedback
   * [4e4fc89] GRMLBASE/45-grub-images: drop raid.mod from static module
 e1cfecd5ee9224fa50488de1235c390444764edf 995 grml-live_0.20.2.dsc
 1415c57dbab299e6e414be0d2f26adb02e638118 521103 grml-live_0.20.2.tar.gz
 a0687ae59057cfdec6568a6dac44ae52ae3de638 546728 grml-live_0.20.2_all.deb
 774c6ba22f741e30e44be037dac57f7c8b2b70d1 67210 grml-live-db_0.20.2_all.deb
 e4ed9a5249eb793737d8cfe566d273f7be05e3c3252a19d1fa278fdf7b747799 995 grml-live_0.20.2.dsc
 cca33d19ff43c4cd28d45e4bca872c9a04db4b2382f25bb619d31ba7cf023158 521103 grml-live_0.20.2.tar.gz
 302883a29488a9c6b483f6663fd6f399dee0745def52224838fa4fd528419a2c 546728 grml-live_0.20.2_all.deb
 c46186bf839d51fa58bb8a18f4e27d1182405926a4866a520c1b07e8f9db1418 67210 grml-live-db_0.20.2_all.deb
 0a0114a4fa18fe7b826fd8f49bce490c 995 grml extra grml-live_0.20.2.dsc
 183f48acbc8a3f6dccada3c49705823b 521103 grml extra grml-live_0.20.2.tar.gz
 2ef4baca2ebe2d76cb9b97e0a4b09138 546728 grml extra grml-live_0.20.2_all.deb
 fb2f0ad8ff8f52f45bc013c6618666b2 67210 grml extra grml-live-db_0.20.2_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

msg4530 (view) Author: mika Date: 2013-03-12.12:00:32
Thanks for the bug report and the diff. I've slightly adjusted your code and 
just pushed it into our Git repository:

Works for me as far as I can tell, I'd appreciate further testing from your 

msg4527 (view) Author: mmolle Date: 2013-03-11.14:16:18

i am creating a grml for my work (i base it on grml32-full, 2013.02),
where i don't really have to change much. so i tried to use
grml-live-remaster. actually a nice script (please leave it in! it's
easy to read, change, and does, kinda, what it's supposed to do.)

'kinda'. i.e. not really.

but i patched it, so it now works for me

with this mail, i'm sending you the patch, no © attached :)

what it does:

1. /remaster is created in a 'if' clause, i didn't really get why. so i
took it out of the if. also, i require the existence of /remaster
beforehand. so i can symlink it to a directory on a harddrive. (this was
good for me, could be possibly nicer for usability)

2. the squashfs-directory + filename is created wrong. (using basename),
i did it differently, which worked for grml32-full, probably working for
64 too, didn't test.

3. /run and /dev/pts aren't bind-mounted, i included that. important:
/dev/pts has to be mounted after /dev but unmounted before /dev. (that
one cost me 2 reboots), so in the 'for i in /dev /run ...' the list
cannot be the same.

4. filesystem.module is not created (needed for grml2usb), included that.

keep up the good work! thanks for a great distro.

Date User Action Args
2013-05-20 22:00:28mikasetstatus: fixed-in-git -> resolved
messages: + msg4569
2013-03-12 12:00:32mikasetstatus: unread -> fixed-in-git
messages: + msg4530
2013-03-11 15:05:17mikasetpriority: bug
assignedto: mika
superseder: + grml-live-remaster
nosy: + mika
title: grml-live-remaster -> grml-live-remaster improvements
2013-03-11 14:16:18mmollecreate