
Author mika
Recipients z3ttacht
Date 2009-04-07.07:54:31
* Frank Terbeck <> [20090407 02:03]:

> Obvious question: 1.5 year old issue with solution attached.
> Is the solution not good enough? Do we want to do this differently?
> Do we want this at all? Was this just forgotten?

> Regards, Frank - who fills up people's Inbox tonight. :)

Yeah, great :)

I just give it a try. First issue:

| Tried to find out your real name and email adress.
| Please verfiy them. They will be saved in /home/mika/.vim/userdata for further usage.
| Is your email adress correct? 

=> *which* email ad*d*ress is correct? Please display it. :)

And then the following errors appear (IIRC it's the same issue I
experienced long time ago, though it's not document in the BTS
AFAICS yet):

| Tried to find out your real name and email adress.
| Please verfiy them. They will be saved in /home/mika/.vim/userdata for further usage.
| Is your email adress correct?                                                        line   44:
| E121: Undefined variable: g:com
| E116: Invalid arguments for function setline
| line   46:
| E121: Undefined variable: g:com
| E116: Invalid arguments for function append
| [...]

Oh and: the 'Latest change' isn't needed anymore as you might know
(so we don't run into automatic merge problems), I guess this should
even simplify fixing it.

Alex, do you care updating the patch so we can ship it via

Date User Action Args
2009-04-07 07:54:32mikasetrecipients: + z3ttacht
2009-04-07 07:54:32mikalinkissue314 messages
2009-04-07 07:54:31mikacreate