
Author ft
Recipients Xk2c
Date 2015-10-09.18:53:54
Hi Thilo.

I've looked at your patch this afternoon. A couple of things:

1. I think your approach does more than we should: If someone
   wishes to use a different setup from ours, they should be
   able to disable our customizations. You're doing that, which
   is good. But then, I don't think we need to check for any
   predefined styles.

2. My eyes tripped over the GRML_COMPLFOO names a couple of
   times. This is purely subjective of course. But I've changed
   the names to GRML_COMP_FOO which for some reason make my
   eyes happier.

3. The newly introduced parameters lack documentation in
   our setup's manual. ☺

In any case: I've pushed a patch based on your code to our repository
just now: ae3538fac9f47958ea9566b2b3818547684f8e76 — it addresses
everything from my earlier enumeration. As always, thanks for your
input and let us know if the code I pushed lacks something you need.

Regards, Frank
Date User Action Args
2015-10-09 18:53:54ftsetrecipients: + Xk2c
2015-10-09 18:53:54ftsetmessageid: <>
2015-10-09 18:53:54ftlinkissue1933 messages
2015-10-09 18:53:54ftcreate