
Author z3ttacht
Recipients ft, mika, z3ttacht
Date 2009-02-18.13:28:30
The big changes by this commit are:

  * Existence of '/etc/grml/lsb-functions' isn't mandatory anymore.

  * Just using amixer(1) for querying and setting the various mixer. Before
    amixer(1) _and_ aumix(1) were used. But amixer doesn't work with
    grml-medium 2008.11 due to lack of module snd-mixer-oss. [s. Issue625]

  * A 'config file' for parameters to osd_cat(1) is used, which gets read by
    grep(1). Therefore changes according osd_cat's settings can easily be made
    in just one place for every instance.

  * No temporary file is used anymore.

  * `XF86AudioRaiseVolume' changes `XF86AudioLowerVolume' with the help of
    sed(1) on the fly, since the two scripts just differ in two places.
       1. amixer -q --sset Master 5%-  vs.  amixer -q --sset Master 5%+
       2. Lowered volume               vs.  Raised volume
Date User Action Args
2009-02-18 13:28:31z3ttachtsetrecipients: + z3ttacht, mika, ft
2009-02-18 13:28:30z3ttachtlinkissue626 messages
2009-02-18 13:28:30z3ttachtcreate